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Music Program

  • 12 Months music program

  • 12 Guitar techniques

  • Over 2500 songs

  • 1 week Rock Camp


We group participants into "band" teams, and each is assigned a celebrity rock star to coach them through the experience. These rock stars have sold millions of records, performed in front of thousands of fans and thrived in the most challenging of all team settings --- a rock band! We select the best of these rock stars that know how to coach the interpersonal skills that are key to business success.

Each "band" will go to a separate room with their rock star, where they will collectively rewrite the lyrics to a hit song. Ideally they will write about particular topics that they have been focusing on during your event, their products or services or company message, or you can leave it up to your attendees to pick their own topics. The creativity and collaboration really starts to kick in!

And just like any other band, they will need to choose a band name, rehearse, and choreograph their upcoming performance.

Once the songwriting and preparations are complete, each band will perform their new hit song, live in front of their co-workers, backed by the entire rock star band!


The event will conclude with a full concert performed by the rock stars. Your employees are encouraged to join the band at any time, whether they play an actual instrument, want to sing background, or just rock out on their best air guitar - this is all about releasing your employees inner rock star, so they return to your company revitalized, refreshed and ready to rock for you!


With Team Rock Stars, everyone is a star---no musical experience is necessary. All attendees can take on a performing role in the program, whether they're singing, playing an instrument, or just tapping a tambourine. Those less comfortable in the limelight can assume a supporting role such as writing song lyrics or designing a band logo. No one is left of this engaging and fun team-building event!


Your people will learn lessons from the performing arts, improve their communication and collaboration skills and gain insights about themselves, colleagues and customers, develop leadership skills and so much more that will help them shine and help you achieve your corporate goals.

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